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    ESG Governance and Goals

    Pursuing rigorous sustainability governance, ambitious and challenging target management, we make every effort to move towards a more sustainable future

Governance Structure and Responsibilities

Luxshare has established a three-level sustainability governance structure featuring “decision-making - planning - execution”, which consists of the Board of Directors, the Sustainable Development Center and the Sustainability Implementation Team

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  • Decision-making Level

  • Planning Level

  • Execution Level

  • Responsible for the decision-making and supervision of the Company’s sustainability-related issues, the decision-making level regularly hears the work reports of the Sustainable Development Center, reviews internal documents such as the Sustainability Report, major ESG events, key ESG plans and systems, audits and approves significant ESG proposals, and ensures that the sustainable development strategies are aligned with the Company’s core strategies

  • As the main management of sustainability affairs, the planning level is responsible for formulating medium- and long-term sustainability plans of the Company, deploying work and tracking progress in sustainability and reporting to the Board of Directors regularly, in order to effectuate implementation of sustainability decisions of the Board of Directors within the Company

  • The execution level is composed of the Company’s offices, committees, central functional departments, business groups, ESG task force and other important internal execution units, and is responsible for following the directive and planning of Sustainable Development Center; implementing relevant work; and reporting the progress regularly, in order to ensure full implementation of sustainable development philosophies in the Company’s operations

Sustainability Issues We Focus On

Luxshare conducts materiality assessment from both the dimensions of  "Financial Materiality" and "Impact Materiality" refer to the authoritative  standards, during which we consult extensively with stakeholders and comprehensively assess material sustainability issues. We regularly update the materiality assessment to adapt to the expectations of stakeholders and the constantly changing industry and external environment

  • Environmental Policy

    All employees participate in preventing and controlling pollution in order to provide green products that align with environmental protection

    Continuously reduce waste to satisfy clients and operate green enterprise conforming to requirements of laws and regulations

  • Social Responsibility Policy

    Abide by laws and regulations; Prohibit the use of child labor;

    No discrimination and oppression; Freedom and equality for all;

    Protect intellectual property rights; Continuous self-improvements;

Sustainable Development Goals and Commitments

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      Reduce work-related injuries by 10% per year from 2023 to 2025

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      100 Million kWh

      Encourage suppliers to save energy and reduce emission and the goal is to reach 100 million kWh saved by our suppliers from 2023 to 2025

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      Signing rate of the Employee Integrity Commitment

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      Constantly increase R&D investment in green products and clean technologies

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      Implement the principle of 4R (reduction, reuse, replace and recycling), promote the “zero-waste landfill” practice, enhance productivity of resources, and achieve a waste recycling rate of over 90% by 2025

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      Share of clean energy to reach 30% by 2023, 40% by 2024 and 50% by 2025

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      Actively contribute to local community development

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      All employees receive on average 20 hours of training annually

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      Carry out responsible procurement and avoid sourcing from contentious mines

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      Continuously improve business ethics standards and unblock whistleblowing channels to reach a 100% handling rate of business ethics related complaints

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      250 Million kWh

      The Company shall conserve 250 million kWh from 2023 to 2025

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      Enhance diversity and independence of management by ensuring that percentage of female directors and independent directors stay not less than one third

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      Increase water use efficiency by 20% by 2025 compared with base year 2021